Friday, September 3, 2010

Our Circus :)

Sophie has been home for a week today.  It's been an first to having a newborn at home and working through the initial anxiety of when she might have her next seizure.  The first couple days were exhausting for me since she had her night and day mixed up and was up every hour at night yet slept all day long.  That seems to have worked itself out and now she's sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night only waking up once or twice!  It seems so early for her to be doing this with just bringing her home, but I have to remember that she is 5 weeks old and that this was her routine in the NICU.  She's had several seizures while at home and we've had to give her emergency medication three times so far.  Her "pattern" seems to be similar to when she was in the NICU...just over 48 hours with no episodes, then a day with one or more, then another 48 hours of quiet.  The neurologist has adjusted her medication twice and we're hoping to see a difference in the coming days.  Overall she's a very easy baby...much calmer than Kayla and Madelyn at this age.

Our house has become somewhat of a three ring circus for me...literally!  The hardest part of adjusting in the past week has been realizing that we have THREE KIDS!  I've been getting back into the routine of living at home again after a month of living with family and commuting to a hospital.  We're still working on a morning routine for getting Kayla out the door to kindergarten and Madelyn starts preschool on Tuesday so that will be another factor to add in.  It's amazing how adding a third child has made me feel like I just don't know where to begin getting it all done!  I've been assured by my friends with 3+ kids that this is normal and things will settle down eventually.  Really, Sophie is not the hard's keeping up with the other two that wears me out.  Mike will go back to work on Wednesday and with my MOPS group starting up again and a Bible study I want to do I think our days will be more full and we'll fall into a routine.  I know it will take time and patience.

My dad drove up yesterday to meet Sophie for the first time.  He'll be staying with us this weekend and we'll also be getting a visit from Mike's sister's kids who have yet to meet her too.  College football has started and we are so excited!  Mike is going to the VT/Boise State game at Fed Ex on Monday and while I'm a little jealous not to be able to go too, I'm so glad he gets to do this. :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. I cant even express to you how much I love reading your blogs! It makes me feel like Im not so far away.

    You "circus" sounds perfectly imperfect!
    Love and Prayers always

  2. I remember the feeling of being outnumbered when our third came. It was difficult at first but it does get easier. You are doing a great job!
