Today we sent Kayla off to school as a first grader! Hard to believe. It was such a bittersweet time at the bus stop since all five of us were there. Last year her first day of school was so hectic b/c Sophie was still in the hospital and I was scrambling to be everywhere I was needed. I was there to see her off to kindergarten and then hopped right in the car to drive to Children's to be with Sophie. I didn't come home again until later in the week when Sophie came home. It was wonderful to send her off to school today under normal, happy circumstances and our complete family! Madelyn has two weeks until she starts her 2nd year of preschool. She's so excited to be in the 4 year old class, "the big kids" she calls it. Also hard to believe that in a year she'll be getting on the bus with Kayla to go to kindergarten herself! Time flies.
We just got back from another week in OBX...this time, just the five of us. It was a fun week of beach and pool. Sophie is being a typical one year old and in the throws of fighting naps and getting into everything she can. She is completely mobile and has her own style of scooting/crawling. And she's quick! We have upped her physical therapy to 2x/ month since she's mobile now and the phys therapist wants to see her have a crawling pattern where she alternates her arms and legs like babies typically do. With the low muscle tone in her hips she holds her right leg bent forward for stability and while it works for her now, it will delay her walking eventually if we don't get her muscles strengthened. I am looking forward to more focused time to work with her with the big girls getting back into the school routine. Also looking forward to getting back to my Thurs morning Bible study and our Music Class on Fridays. Summer was wonderful, but it's nice having a schedule again! And college football starts soon...and cooler weather. I love fall!!!
This fall will mark a big milestone for Sophie too. On Oct 22nd she will have been seizure free for ONE YEAR! Her surgery was such a blessing and it's hard to believe how far we've come. She is such a shining light in our lives and continues to bring us so much joy each day. Kayla will be playing soccer this fall and we look forward to seeing how she enjoys that. Madelyn continues to be the comedian in our family and is very secure in her roles as big sister and little sister. As we were walking home from the bus stop today she said "Sooooo Mommy, what are we going to do without Kayla today?" It already feels right having our school year routine back. Here's to a fun fall season!
Big steps for your family! Glad your baby is well.