Friday, February 3, 2012


It's official...we have a toddler.  Sophie took her first steps at the beginning of January and is now walking all over the place!  She turned 18 months old last weekend and is showing every bit of it.  She is into everything and has quite a temper.  She fits right in with her sisters. :)  Kayla and Madelyn really enjoy Sophie now that she is "fun".  What they don't enjoy is when she takes their things or draws on their pictures!  She really is a lot of fun.  Loves to be read to, play with dolls and listen to songs from our Music Class that we go to on Fridays.  It's hard to believe that she's really not a baby anymore.  Where did the past year and a half go?  Some parts of it seemed endless, but in retrospect it's flown faster than it did with the other two.

Kayla is doing wonderful in first grade.  She just got her 2nd quarter report card and it was great!  She will be turning 7 in March and has decided to get her ears pierced.  She has started joining me on my 2.5 mile walk I do on the weekends and it has been bittersweet to share that time with her.  We just walk and talk about anything and everything.  She is really growing up.

Madelyn loves her second year of preschool and can't wait to go to Kindergarten in the fall.  I can't believe she is going to be 5 in June and that I'll be putting her on the bus to elementary school in just six months.  She seems to have grown up so much faster with a big sister to follow.  She is very independent and can play by herself for hours.  She loves puzzles and anything that you really have to focus on.  She'll be starting to play soccer this spring and we think she's going to love it!

Mike and I just try to keep up with all three of these little (and not so little!) girls.  We're looking forward to doing some more weekend trips as a family in the spring and summer...and maybe another week at the beach!

We continue to be thankful for God's blessings in our lives.  Sophie is a true miracle with all she's overcome and the expectations that she's surpassed!!!  Oh, and I almost the end of February she will be off of ALL seizure medicines!!!!!