Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lazy Saturday

It's nice to be able to actually say we are having a lazy day at home.  This is the first Saturday I've felt like we can just go about our usual routine without wondering what will happen next with Sophie.  She hit a milestone yesterday.  We have gone one full week without a seizure that has to be stopped with emergency medication.  She's never gone that long in her entire 7 weeks.  Her medication finally seems to be controlling most of her seizures.  She has a couple small ones each day, but they are so small that it's just a twitching movement of her arm that lasts no longer than 30 seconds.  This is such progress.  It'll be interesting to see what her neurologist says at our follow up appointment on Monday.  If life could stay like this it would be manageable.  Things are becoming more routine for us.  We are getting used to the early morning rush of getting Kayla off to school and now getting Madelyn to preschool three days a week.  I'm back to going to my MOPS events and started a new Bible study as well.  It feels good to be doing normal things again.  Last night we revived our Friday movie nights with Kayla and Madelyn.  We used to look forward to this each week before Sophie was born and have had a hard time getting back to it. 

Sophie is becoming more alert and interactive.  Kayla and Madelyn tell me that she "talks" to them.  They love to make her smile.  She is definitely our calmest baby of the three.  Really only cries when she's hungry or tired.  I'm starting to feel more comfortable having a little baby in the house.  The hardest part of all this has been figuring out how to make it all work in meeting the needs of all three kids throughout the day.  Yesterday afternoon, Sophie was hungry right when we needed to leave to get Kayla off the bus.  So I found myself walking us down to the bus stop holding her in one arm, a bottle in the other hand, with Madelyn holding on to my pocket.  Multi-tasking has taken on a new meaning!  I know that things will get easier as Sophie falls into more of a routine with feeding and sleeping.  For now I just take each day as it comes and put the previous day behind me, moving forward.  It feels good to have a sense of peace about things most days.

Today will be packed with college football in our house.  The TVs are all set up and we have our Hokie shirts on hoping it will help VT to actually WIN this game.  We were proud of JMU last weekend, but what a hard loss as Hokie fans!

1 comment:

  1. This is great Amy!! And a great win for VT today too. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
